Lecturer and student perspectives in developing electronic student worksheets based on a stem approach using macromolecular material


  • Irfandi Irfandi Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
  • Dwi Putri Musdansi Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
  • Rosa Murwindra Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
  • Maya Febriani Chandra Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
  • Respito Rini Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi




Kvisoft Flipbook Maker, Macromolecules, Student worksheets


The use of technology-based worksheets really helps students in learning. Student worksheets that can develop students' 21st century skills can be integrated with a STEM approach. This research aims to see the response of students and lecturers to the development of Electronic Student Worksheets based on the STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) approach to macromolecular materials. Student worksheets were developed using the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application. This research uses a descriptive method with a user response questionnaire technique using a Likert scale. The results of the student response test were 92% in the interesting category. Meanwhile, the results of lecturers' responses showed that 86% were in the interesting category. This is interesting because the student worksheets are designed to be integrated with a STEM approach which directs students to innovate in solving problems found in everyday life according to the material provided.


